Economy: the famous made in Italy is now only good for us autoerotic advertising campaigns. Perhaps only a few miners who Uzbeki living underground for decades, still regards the products of our country as something that denotes a certain style. In countries such as Germany make the money on the future and we metallurigiche we give money to the industries of nineteenth-century memory. Mattei's heirs, Olivetti & co are so closed to innovations that will not change even diapers. Or only do so on government incentives.
Sport: despite not being a fan, it's pretty obvious that we have fallen in the mud. Winter Olympics have forced the IOC to forge overnight medals shit for our athletes in football - the national sport and our great pride - we have only one team (maybe) will exceed the knockout stages and the great Milan of our great president who, in the face of Manchester, appeared in the Pro Patria Strudà , the national football team is made up of octogenarians imbolsiti from shaving soap, underwear, oil companies, Nutella and varied. The other sports are encrypted.
Politics and Society: I would not shoot at the Red Cross but I have to. We have, as chairman of the board Silvio Berlusconi, as the main opposition party the Democratic Party - that the candidate is campaigning using Bonino and quell'incudine Bersani, a parliament still under investigation or potential investigated (bipartisan), coordinators parties who are not able to do the easy part of their work to register their list, corrutela and clientelism as a selection criterion general (the mechanic CEO), entrepreneurs who are suffering from a new form of insomnia hilarious directly proportional to the number of deaths, the displacement of a corpse (as holy), considered a great work, job insecurity as a faith and lies as a method. In the world we have the specific gravity of a fart. And I could go on for pages.
Culture and Art: our cinema speaks but says nothing (except a few rare cases), new forms of contemporary artistic expression have canceled the flight to Italy and then live off income - doing everything to lose that , the music is shit made no-sense-not-wanted-sense or love, the innovations in the field of literature have stopped 20 years ago.
do not think I touched all areas where "diseccelliamo" but I get the idea. If you have something to add, so be it. Meanwhile
collect signatures for a referendum that would allow us to be attached to any country is foolish enough to take as its inhabitants. Or, as my friend says, let's sterilize and estinguiamoci.
Sport: despite not being a fan, it's pretty obvious that we have fallen in the mud. Winter Olympics have forced the IOC to forge overnight medals shit for our athletes in football - the national sport and our great pride - we have only one team (maybe) will exceed the knockout stages and the great Milan of our great president who, in the face of Manchester, appeared in the Pro Patria Strudà , the national football team is made up of octogenarians imbolsiti from shaving soap, underwear, oil companies, Nutella and varied. The other sports are encrypted.
Politics and Society: I would not shoot at the Red Cross but I have to. We have, as chairman of the board Silvio Berlusconi, as the main opposition party the Democratic Party - that the candidate is campaigning using Bonino and quell'incudine Bersani, a parliament still under investigation or potential investigated (bipartisan), coordinators parties who are not able to do the easy part of their work to register their list, corrutela and clientelism as a selection criterion general (the mechanic CEO), entrepreneurs who are suffering from a new form of insomnia hilarious directly proportional to the number of deaths, the displacement of a corpse (as holy), considered a great work, job insecurity as a faith and lies as a method. In the world we have the specific gravity of a fart. And I could go on for pages.
Culture and Art: our cinema speaks but says nothing (except a few rare cases), new forms of contemporary artistic expression have canceled the flight to Italy and then live off income - doing everything to lose that , the music is shit made no-sense-not-wanted-sense or love, the innovations in the field of literature have stopped 20 years ago.
do not think I touched all areas where "diseccelliamo" but I get the idea. If you have something to add, so be it. Meanwhile
collect signatures for a referendum that would allow us to be attached to any country is foolish enough to take as its inhabitants. Or, as my friend says, let's sterilize and estinguiamoci.
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