Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Vermont Castings Defiant


These regional elections are yet another confirmation that the Italian people is a people's shit. Many suggested up for Facebook to emigrate. I find it is not right. Why should I leave the atmosphere and the food (now the only things worthy) of my country? Why people who have a brain has to go? I have a workaround. Better: a final solution option.
There are, throughout the country, a series of buildings that previously called CPT - now I do not know. Well. Since we have spent a lot of public money to build them, because they exploit them wrong? We lure our dear ex-citizens (I have nothing to do with them), sending their calls when they are asked to participate in the unforgettable party in which you fuck (with children, prostitutes, nuns, mammals, insects, etc..) eating, offer jobs at random, you see the game and do other activities that can stimulate their rotten brains. After having prostrated physically loading them on buses, and brings them closer in CPT. Once delivered you burn them alive in the backyard. Of course, filming everything to keep and transmit to posterity the memory. Small clarification: the balls are open to all, regardless of the political spectrum. The selection criterion is: Are you someone who does not want to work, they prefer shortcuts that flashes on the highway, which is to be recommended? Please come to our party, man!
And do not tell me things like "you're a Nazi," "you are one who hates" etc.. All bullshit Democrat. If you have a more bipartisan and effective implementation of this, I am ready to listen.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Value Of Retired Beanie Boppers

poem of his 2010

friend, brother, you did the fellow
years without batting an eyelid.

still remember when you were a child says to me "were not there, ugly, stupid."

we've known for a long time but it's been so long since we talk.
Our lives are in different places of our own destiny
perverse jokes. Our

lives are parallel
two b-movie seen on TV. You
with the DS, I think with the Alfetta
you that perfect match.

Instead I am here at this distance
to write crap in my room.
And our problems real or virtual
these are also set.

So what's the use to be friends even if
neighbors would not be happy?
Life is pain, death and violence and I say no more
sheer decency.

At the end of time, perhaps
I understand the purpose of all, my dear friend. Throw out the inner world

finally makes you a better man.

Seeing someone who is listening
and very often you seem to understand what you are
without lying,
summer is like a sweet chirp

be understood and the best thing
a luxury, not an hour.
And as someone has lifted my heart I wish you
friend, your best dream.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Clean Basketball Warmup Songs

There is a poem somewhere. I can not publish it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Clipart Of Mental Ring


It is appropriate to say we should give up. We are a country already old and tired, mediocre in all its manifestations. I have several reasons that led me to this conclusion. Summarize them.
Economy: the famous made in Italy is now only good for us autoerotic advertising campaigns. Perhaps only a few miners who Uzbeki living underground for decades, still regards the products of our country as something that denotes a certain style. In countries such as Germany make the money on the future and we metallurigiche we give money to the industries of nineteenth-century memory. Mattei's heirs, Olivetti & co are so closed to innovations that will not change even diapers. Or only do so on government incentives.
Sport: despite not being a fan, it's pretty obvious that we have fallen in the mud. Winter Olympics have forced the IOC to forge overnight medals shit for our athletes in football - the national sport and our great pride - we have only one team (maybe) will exceed the knockout stages and the great Milan of our great president who, in the face of Manchester, appeared in the Pro Patria Strudà, the national football team is made up of octogenarians imbolsiti from shaving soap, underwear, oil companies, Nutella and varied. The other sports are encrypted.
Politics and Society: I would not shoot at the Red Cross but I have to. We have, as chairman of the board Silvio Berlusconi, as the main opposition party the Democratic Party - that the candidate is campaigning using Bonino and quell'incudine Bersani, a parliament still under investigation or potential investigated (bipartisan), coordinators parties who are not able to do the easy part of their work to register their list, corrutela and clientelism as a selection criterion general (the mechanic CEO), entrepreneurs who are suffering from a new form of insomnia hilarious directly proportional to the number of deaths, the displacement of a corpse (as holy), considered a great work, job insecurity as a faith and lies as a method. In the world we have the specific gravity of a fart. And I could go on for pages.
Culture and Art: our cinema speaks but says nothing (except a few rare cases), new forms of contemporary artistic expression have canceled the flight to Italy and then live off income - doing everything to lose that , the music is shit made no-sense-not-wanted-sense or love, the innovations in the field of literature have stopped 20 years ago.
do not think I touched all areas where "diseccelliamo" but I get the idea. If you have something to add, so be it. Meanwhile
collect signatures for a referendum that would allow us to be attached to any country is foolish enough to take as its inhabitants. Or, as my friend says, let's sterilize and estinguiamoci.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Small Patch Of Pimples On Face

Yes, there is now

I was at a bend on the road 613, which is seen across the bay. The sea slammed violently against the shore and a lone ray of sunshine was going to beat violently against the sea. Suddenly I realized again be a member of the community: I have an identity card, a prepaid card and a quasi-passport. In the end I had to drive for only 1200 Km, only interact with 10 people in a priori ill-disposed towards me, put only 13 signatures, only pay € 100 and stands to be readmitted to the privileges of the globalized world.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ps3 Too Large For Screen

To resume old habits

I noticed that no gift to the world my precious words for too long so I decided to fix it.
What could be the subject today? I could talk about the case or the case Bertolaso \u200b\u200bDi Girolamo (Ständige ovation) - Punch - n'drangheta or appropriate electoral PDL or choose a topic case. Obviously will choose at random. Let's talk about
"hate" and "love" starting from the definition provided by my precious vocabulary. "I hate: 1) feeling of great hostility for which you want to hurt others, 2) a sense of repugnance, of opposition, intolerance for anything."
As for the word "love" my vocabulary can provide up to a column and a half. And while this seems significant. I write only the first two definitions: "1) suffering intense feeling of deep devotion, or tenderness, 2) inclination for a strong and unique person, based sexual instinct, which is manifested as physical desire and affective pleasure union. "
Now some thoughts of the lowest interest.
The first thing you notice is the extent of hatred. I mean. Hatred is the feeling of those who wish evil" others " . The "others" may be Gino, Gino whole family or the whole human race. It means a love instead tilt "exclusively" for one person. If I love Gina can not love Pierre.
I do this thing I do not want resign. Because one can love to hate everyone but one person? You will all agree with me that it would be better the other way: no doubt we live in a better world.
And why such a definition castrating? know Gina and I find that I love so many things about her that I can not do without. After a month I know Piera, and repeat the magic. And then? Vocabolariescamente is not possible? Would it not be a cultural heritage of our Western civilization based on Christian morality of mold? Or the casus I have outlined above is impossible, and then if I love you - I really love or so I believe - Gina even I see the beauty (in every sense) of Pierre? I have a theory but it is still in the conceptual closure.
step further.
Love is founded "sexual instinct" and "desire manifested as physical and emotional pleasure of the union." Here come into play two other interesting points. The first. Love is based on instinct sex? Certainly. But to what extent? If I'm not as horny, do not love you anymore, and the matter is closed? According to this definition would be easy to tell when a story is over, but in reality it is not. And I know I do? I pull out the drawer to the second part, what makes close, separated by an insignificant "and" merge the physical and emotional union. Then there is this affective component! And if there was only this? The vocabulary seems to prevent us from talking about love. And he's right. How many times you would like to join in a physically be X and at the same time, you remove the head to bite? So it is true that if you do not brush it off with little more or have a big problem but not the end of love.
And where is it hatred in all this chatter? It has no weight, is a feeling too easy to prove.
short, where I wanted to with all this rubbish? Nowhere. I only know one thing: the vocabularies they understand little of these things.