Friday night. A quarter to nine or so.
get down to empty the garbage and I see a car stop. Beyond the road. Straddling the sidewalk.
Inside there is none. I look better. There are some. It 's a shrunken old man sitting in the back seat. It looks like a mannequin. A mannequin with no arms who is about to be thrown out. The car is a Opel Kadett. I wonder how I came to recognize it. I do not know, but I'm sure it is an Opel Kadett . Of gray. A gray made from the dark night.
let go of the bag and rest stop at the gate ajar. I look up the house lights on. The mirage of a sofa through my mind. Then I return the car. Man, if a man is still there. I wonder what the exact meaning of the word help. If still worth something to me. Then I turned and briskly through the deserted road.
No. Deserted not. The passage of a cat surprises me on the right. Slips on the pavement, scale a high fence of bricks and not see him again.
Now the Opel Kadett in front of me. A few steps away. The old does not seem to have seen me. E 'property. Something is covering his head. A hat. No. A cap. A cap from which sprout a nose and two lips clearly tightened. It 's a bathrobe? No. It 's a habit. A dark cloak that goes down along the body. I stand on the sidewalk. The cold air stings my feet. Slippers and socks are not enough. Should I get closer. Tour around the car. One, two times. Man's gaze is fixed into the unknown. And the unknown is a dead end between the light fields. I look to the house. E 'close, but I feel a thousand miles away. The light is still on. Waiting for me. I knock at the window. I hear the sound of bone against the glass. Busso stronger. Of even more. I pull the door handle. E 'is closed, as all the others. The old man is locked inside.
The word "help" is pumping through my temples. The heart beats trying rhythms unknown. I leave the pavement and back across the street. A small step, but quick as those of the cat. I look up at home. The light is turned on and off before my eyes. Then something lifts me up. I feel nothing. Slammed to the ground between the trash. Raining glass and smoldering shreds. Stars. No.
Or the meaning of the word help.
Or the meaning of the word help.
A sm
1 rescue operations or assistance to those in difficulty or danger: a. material and moral, ask, ask, call a. someone, in the. someone, give, give, give a., a a. to someone, run, come in. someone, does not want help from anyone
‖ action helpers: a a. decisive
‖ A collection of material resources provided to those who are in a state of great need: food aid, cash
‖ What that brings relief, comfort, I need a small a.
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