Sport. E 'championship Bagnolo resumed after the winter break and the commitments that they have seen in the National Cup knit, committed team player some Katori. Who thought that the phasing in the heat of the Red Sea would bring joy to the team before the final sprint is mistaken. The game is Friends-Team Katori, a point of difference and conflict in favor of the first direct access to the playoffs, the winner is virtually qualified. The amber color of the skin of the players (the president described them as "beautiful, young and tanned ...") says a lot about what kind of training and preparation took place this month to stop. The game starts as usual. It makes fun of the referee, you get a little 'around among teammates and opponents, laughing. As always. After a few minutes of the Pre-tactical and tactical Katori Team took the lead with a lucky deflected shot by an opponent (remember the marker but not write it because I already know that I can not remember the sequence of the other ed.) Reds Friends begin to react, but hitting the wall erected by the goalkeeper no more which saves in the second the door all the time. Vane protests on the bricks, cement trowels and advanced ... were outside the camp. But the materials used by the new gate of the season, bought at a discount to third-hand, slowly crumbling and are useless when shortly after the "Friends" even go ahead. The tactics should be changed to 5-5-5 and move to the mythical tried several times in the Red Sea by Mr. Zelko, but with disastrous results. Two will forget the technique of propagation of the body and the team loses Katori not understanding most positions in the field. The misfortune of the technique has become biancoblu luck because, in the confusion are shown below with the result. Dismay of opponents when the two attackers on a free-kick form a human pyramid to get a good view of it and hit the head where the goalkeeper can not reach. Ball out. Reached 2000 points for the team, the match comes at the top level. Are activated using the "A" for the super shot and "R2" for the super race wheel. The sudden acceleration of the game does create opportunities on both sides, but only one there seems to be a positive return. The Friends begin to lengthen and a detachment that becomes unbridgeable. Team Katori accused the referee had allowed a trick not allowed to opponents is vital to the success of the meeting. Nothing to do. The appeal was immediately rejected by the referee himself by saying that we're out of time. Players sad but happy, rich but poor losers, but winners, leaving the crowd into a frenzy that he supports a timetable macarena. For Team Katori now remains the last of the season and playout ... The report cards are not published for prescription of the law.
Results Day 12:
Atl. Bagnolo - Ghetto FC 7-3
Atl. Ramacca - Last Minute 10-2
Birr Malastrana - Dinamo Lasagna 10-2
Combriccola - Bagnolo c / 5
Circle Under - Cuba Libre 3-3
Friends - Team Katori 7-5
x - x
Clasifica markers Team Katori:
13 goals: Martinelli
10 networks: Ferrara
9 goals: Malanima
5 networks: Breakdown
4 networks: Moncelli
3 networks: Marchi, S. Mastrolia
2 goals: Baroncelli
1 Online Altilio, Cerbai Ath, Razzano
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